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Prosthetic foot for children. The story of: Frederique

Updated: May 16

February 2023: From a message to testing with the first prototype

"An acquaintance of ours met with you at the Museon. You were standing there with a stand with prosthetics. The prosthetics were aimed at children and you explained that you are developping a prosthesis that enables children to run and play sports better. And you are still looking for test subjects!"

This is how the email from Mireille, Frederique's mother (then still 7 years old) started.

In January we were in the museum with our 'project unlimited' for the 'The Hague Tech Festival': a festival where children can get to know the possibilities of technology.

At Gyromotics, Project Unlimited was in progress: a major project focussed at developing a prosthetic foot especially for children.

When Mireille's email arrived, the ball started rolling and the plans for testing the first prototypes became more concrete. A few months later the time had come: Frederique was one of the first children to try out the prototype of the new children's foot.


May 2024: Successful test with the latest ArcX developments!

The first test took place with the latest model of the ArcX at the beginning of May! At Orthopedietechniek De Hoogstraat, Frederique was given the honor of being the first to try out the latest model.

And what better way to test out a new foot than just doing your thing? Full of energy, skipping, running around, playing football and climbing on the jungle gym. The highlight? A real photo shoot as a true model.

The test was a great success and has given us new insights to continue with the finishing touches. And Frederique: she has her birthday party tomorrow and is going to an amusement park with her friends!



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